Blockchain Internet Ltd (UBI) was incorporated in HongKong in September 2016 with operation offices in Shenzhen, NewYork and London. The core members of UBI include influential individuals and institutions in both China and the US.
“Blockchain+” refers to the concept of organically combining technology including Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI) into one solution to solve industrial pain points. The synergy created by combining technology groups together (in the right way!) helps to maximize the benefit of each underlying technology whilst overcome their inherent shortfalls.
UBI Core Competitiveness: “Blockchain+” Empowering Industries
UBI联合创始人。 全球区块链应用合作联盟创始人,副主席。 美国哈佛财富战略管理有限公司董事长,创始人。 哈佛大学世界女性领导力董事会唯一亚洲董事。 哈佛肯尼迪学院院长战略顾问理事会理事,第一位中国人入选该理事会成员。 多年风投及并购经验,成功投资收购多家优质企业。
全球区块链应用合作联盟秘书长 天域文化(英国)有限公司前CEO; 伯明翰大学营销管理系研究生; 英国西南商业协会杰出华人企业家代表; 多年从事国际间的金融、商贸与文化对接项目。曾指导并协助中国广东省、山东省和黑龙江省政府与英国西南三郡商贸组织进行全面对接及合作。
UBI 董事,副总裁。 全球区块链应用合作联盟联合创始人,常务理事。 美国的亚洲食品行业领军人物。从事食品业二十余年,在食品源头、安全把控及食品物流管理方面经验资深。 曾配合商务部完成整个冷链物流规划。 多年风头经验,成功收购多家国内外、跨行业优质企业。
UBI国际营销总裁; 洛克菲勒家族第五代成员、中国艺术国际行共同主席。目前担任美国罗斯洛克集团董事会主席、全球性的非盈利组织美国Grameen基金会董事会成员。
全球区块链应用合作联盟联合创始人,常务理事。 香港大学电子计算学教授,博导。 澳大利亚Wollongong大学计算机专业博士。研究方向包括密码技术、公钥密码学、隐私保护等。 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC工作组中国代表团密码学和安全机制的专家成员。 香港区块链协会研发部门委员会成员。
全球区块链应用合作联盟常务理事 UBI独立董事; 全球区块链合作联盟联合创始人,常务理事; 此前,在技术集成公司任总裁兼主席,是美国财团的技术和服务提供商公司。 它被纳入纳斯达克公告板公司; 在金融服务领域拥有超过52年的经验
全球区块链应用合作联盟常务理事 UBI独立董事; 全球区块链合作联盟联合创始人,常务理事; 曾作为尼克松于1969年7月访问泰国的项目官员; 新英格兰爱国者足球俱乐部原执行总裁; Sullivan体育场的原所有者。并成功主办了多长重大演唱会,合作明星有大卫·鲍伊,麦当娜,威利·尼尔森,西蒙和加芬克尔,卡尔·珀金斯,杰瑞·李·刘易斯,鲍勃·迪伦等等; 曾担任美国国家橄榄球联盟管理委员会主席八年。
MIF趋势投资团队创始人;深圳零零后投资企业(有限合伙)董事长。 英国Aston University市场学本科学位、英国Coventry University投资管理学硕士学位。 国际注册金融分析师牌照(CFA)、国际注册风险控制师牌照(FRM)、国际注册非传统类投资分析师牌照(CAIA)。 资深投资经理人,15年国内外金融投资、财富管理、风险控制从业经历。曾任富时100强、英国最大的财富管理机构圣詹姆斯财富管理公司(原罗斯查尔德基金)高级投资组合经理、及高级分析师,管理资产超过7000亿人民币。 资深金融科技项目经理,曾带领团队自主研发人工智能资产投资及风控管理系统,并在行业内取得大面积成功。
全球区块链应用合作联盟常务理事 广电行业出身,原四达集团南非分公司、乌干达分公司副总裁; 国内首批VR线下娱乐中心开创者; 国内首个共享VR创造者; 北京电影协会VR专业委员会副会长。
UBI was founded.
UBI’s stock peaked at $115 a share with a market cap over $10 billion.
Cooperation agreement was signed with Hong Kong Polytechnic University to jointly research and develop the application of Blockchain technology in food and drugs industry.
The first Blockchain R&D project was jointly launched by UBI and Hong Kong Polytechnic University, backed and funded by the Hong Kong government.
Global Blockchain Application Cooperation Alliance (GBACA) was founded in Hong Kong. Over 200 people from 20 countries GBACA’s first forum. UBI was elected as chairman company.
UBI successfully applied its blockchain trust management solution to the pharmaceutical industry in mainland China, covering the whole supply chain including production, sales and logistics.
Signed contract with Madier Group Co., Ltd for blockchain application in the hotels and catering industry.
Signed contract with BeiDaHuang Group on blockchain system development for quality control in its beer brewing business.
Acquired Shenzhen Fish Blockchain Ltd, Beijng UST (VR) Ltd. and Suzhou Kmerit Information and Technology Ltd.
Steven Rockefeller become shareholder of UBI
The first Blockchain R&D project was jointly launched by UBI and HK Polytechnic University, backed and funded by the Hong Kong government (HKD$300)
Blockchain development projects were signed with ZiJinWanXiang International Cultural Exchange Group in artworks and antique industry.
Baas research has been started.
UBI signed agreement with Luoyang Culture and Relics Exchange Centre for the application of blockchain+ in the culture and art sector for the authentication, appraisal, trading and promotion of antique and art items.
Acquired Beiyao Baicao Ltd, tracing 3000 pharmaceutical products.
The winner of “Best Blockchain and VR Technology Award” at the Beijing International Forbidden City Cup.
Launched “Art Max” online trading platform on Wechat Mini program.
Member of Guangdong Auction Association.
Completely BaaS research and launched.
Former CEO of Culture Exchange (UK) Ltd;
Master degree in Marketing Management, University of Birmingham;
Outstanding Chinese Entrepreneur Representative of Southwest Business Association, UK;
Years of engagement in international financial, commercial and cultural docking projects. She has assisted the governments of Guangdong, Shandong and Heilongjiang provinces in China to cooperate with the three counties of Southwest Britain.
Co-founder and director in GBCA;
More than 20 years of experience in food sourcing, safety control and food logistics management;
Years of experience in M&A, successfully acquired several high-quality enterprises.
Co-founder and director in GBCA;
The fifth generation member of the Rockefeller family;
Co-chairman of the China Art International;
Board of Directors of the Roserock Group;
Board member of the non-profit organization Grameen Foundation.
Co-founder and director in GBCA;
Former CEO of New England Patriot Soccer Club;
Former owner of Foxboro stadium;
Former president of American National Football League.
Co-founder and Executive Director of the GBCA
Professor and PhD tutor in Electronic Computing Department, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Expert member of the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC Working Team Chinese delegation on cryptography and security mechanisms.
Professor and director of Science and Technology Institute, Beijing University of Posts and Communications
Secretary general of International Blockchain Innovation and Application Alliance under the China Mobile Communications Association;
Dean of China Academy of Financial Research
Former CTO of ShenZhen Trend Mingdao Science and Technology Co.Ltd
Founder of high-frequency quantitative trading strategies
Director of the Development Department of Central Software Platform of Huawei 2012 Lab
Secretary of the Chinese Cultural Relics Exchange Center
Member of Art Evaluation Committee of the Chinese Ministry of Culture
deputy Officer of the Chinese Culture and Art Registration Center, special expert of Beijing Guobo Cultural Relics Identification Center
Master degree from Coventry University, CFA, FRM ,CAIA
Former senior Investment Manager at St. James’s Wealth Management (formerly J Rothchild Assurance) ,responsible for £100 billion of AUM
Vice President of VR Professional Committee of Beijing Film Association.
The first starters of VR offline entertainment center in China.
former vice president of StarTimes Group South Africa Branch and Uganda Branch